In this episode I talk with David Sherry about how to build a tribe and community around your brand when building a business. David came up with a premise and after failing at asking others to hire/pay him to make it happen, he finally decided to give himself permission to make it happen himself.   He built the premise behind Death to Stock to a bootstrapped company now generating 1.5 million in revenue with a team of only 3 people. He has spent no money on advertising and built his community organically through word of mouth. Incredible!   There are some powerful insights in this podcast - the episode isn't about tactics, it's about mindset shifts. Mindset shifts are where the breakthroughs happen. David's success came through making people feel like they're part of something unique and special. People become excited about what's coming next, they care about what you're putting out and they want to be involved (or give you their money). Tune in to get inspired by his mindset tips and branding insights.