Join us on Friday July, 17th 2015, as Lady A and myself welcome Tata Oriate to the front porch! Tata Oriate is a powerhouse in the Palo Community, as well as several other traditions. If you are looking to get insight on your path or look for in depth questions, tonight is your night. Tata Oriate wants to share these beautiful traditions to show you that, when practiced correctly, the results are life changing.  He is passionate about teaching these spiritual truths because there are a lot of people that have faith and a true love of these traditions, but there are a lot of "so called" priests doing bogus initiations, taking advantage of people's faith.  Due to this misrepresentation, the true essence of these traditions are fading away, and Tata refuses to see this happen.  As an initiated priest, he feels it is his job to keep these traditions alive. This is going to be a FIRST and a once in a lifetime event, for Tata Oriate has never agreed to be on the air LIVE! Call in and press 1, Text in your question, or Join us in the chat room during the show.