Today’s conversation will bring you so much joy and hope through the pragmatic assessments and optimistic mindsets shared by one woman whose singular mission is to help other women. Rana Nawas is an entrepreneur, a keynote speaker, a strategic advisor and the host of iTunes’ number one podcast in the Middle East, When Women Win. Prior to this, she was the youngest sales executive globally, at GE Capital and the president of the Ellevate Network chapter in Dubai.

With justice as her #1 value, this cancer-surviving, no-BS Mama shares how she remains focused and intentional amidst chaos. Additionally, we discuss the global nature of the challenges women face in the workplace; how to amplify the achievements of women and under-represented voices, “strategic visibility”, the notion of women being expected to “look young” but act & know old, the concept of “stereotype threat”, caring for yourself first, asking for help and a great tip to help you pick yourself up and “feel good” when you need it most.

When Women Win just wrapped up it’s 4th season with its 100th episode earlier this month -- congrats! You can follow her podcast on Instagram and connect directly with Rana via LinkedIn and Instagram