Oh hey, breadwinning ladies! So excited to bring this episode your way!! Jennifer Barrett is the Chief Education Officer at Acorns, a saving and investing app and the author of the new wealth-building manifesto for women, Think Like A Breadwinner. This book is the cultural fix we need to reframe expectations that we as women are likely to, at some point, be financially responsible for ourselves and our families.

How different would it have been if we expected this versus the “Oh wow! I’m the breadwinner!” awakening so many of us had?! Together, we discuss becoming a breadwinning woman by choice versus chance, the freedom that comes through having more agency over our lives, the importance of very-specifically identifying your “why”, intensive motherhood and more. We talk about the POSITIVES of being a breadwinner (hallelujah!) -- the pride, satisfaction and confidence that builds when we surpass our own expectations.

This is the book I so needed a decade ago, and this is the conversation we all need to be having loudly and proudly up ahead! You can learn more at jenniferbarett.com.