In today’s episode I sat down with Stephanie LeBlanc-Godfery (@i_am_slg) who I am so honored to call a friend. She is also a colleague at Google who is the Global Head of Inclusion Programs for Women of Color. Additionally, she is a Thought Leader in doubling-down on support and advocacy for caregivers globally. Prior to this role, she was a Retention Strategist, acting as a coach, advisor, and advocate for underrepresented employees to get satisfaction in their role, feel included at work and find opportunities to develop and grow. This mother of three is a force of knowledge, empathy and drive that has led her from a degree in Electrical Engineering to a 10+ year career in media and tech.

Steph and I discuss her educational and career path, bringing her passion for her professional life into her personal life with her initiative Parenting Backwards (@parentingbackwards) and her credo that “when children are silenced, their questions don't go away, they just go unasked.” She offers up great tips on talking to your kids about race and current events as well as including some key resources on these topics. This is a conversation you won’t want to miss - thanks for tuning in!