Ever wonder if it’s just women who struggle with the emotional and logistical hurdles of changing our name after we get married? Do men feel the same angst as they prepare for, and take, parental leave as women? While it’s certainly not as common for men to consider these issues, it is increasingly more common.

Tune in to hear from Shu Matsuo Post, author of the new book, I Took Her Name. Shu is a successful businessman in Japan, known to be one of the most gender-rigid nations on the planet. When he got married and chose to take his wife's name, the opposition he encountered gave him an unexpected glimpse into a woman's world. It also gave him a taste of vulnerability, emotional connection, and the freedom he had been craving all his life.

In I Took Her Name, Shu shares a powerful roadmap for defying expectations and becoming your authentic self with an emphasis on unpacking centuries long messages about what it means to be “a man”. In this episode, Shu discusses his goal of an unscripted path, chivalry, how he experienced his transition from his successful day job into family leave when his newborn son came into the world and of course, changing his name.

You can learn more at shumatsuopost.com/en and follow him on Instagram @shumatsuopost