Previous Episode: Working Title: Episode 1

The Podcast

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In our second episode, we cover quite a variety of games and go off on more than a couple of tangents. We end up talking about digital distribution, grinding in MMOs and even some of the time vs. skill rewards in games debate.

If you have any comments, let us know. Send them to [email protected] or leave them in the comments below.

A note on the streaming quality: I'm still working this out. The mp3 sounds alright if you download it directly or through iTunes, but something is screwing up with the streaming. The artifacts will happen for about 5 seconds after you start or resume. The first one was so bad I just took down the streaming option. Hopefully I'll get it sorted out soon. If anyone has any suggestions/knowledge to help, I'd appreciate it.

Anyways, click through for links for the games we played and music credits with links.

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