On this episode of the Working Perspectives Podcast old Uncle Matty and Party Boy Pete are joined by Matt's older sister Natalie Lavelle. The Crew start off the show in incredible fashion as always and are once again interrupted by a pirate scumbag asshole jerkbeard named Tom Lavelle. This time when jerkbeard interrupts the gang he is finally ready to man up and sets a date for the Mario Kart Challenge. For those that don't remember Asshole previously pirated the episode and did a sneaky deal where he bought the rights to the show out from underneath Matt, Asshole then challenged Old Uncle Matty to a game of Mario Kart where the winner would own the rights to the show. The date of the showdown is October 2nd 2021. The event to be held at Grahams Pub in Andorra PA. After dealing with the Pirate Captain Jerkbeard the fellas proceed to take a trip down memory lame where they discuss the Movie "Man without a face". After voting, the trio move on the exploring Natalie Lavelle's work career that expands over several decades and a few continents. Natalie will regale us with her stories of working to pay for college and then selling plasma to make ends meat. As well as living in Nepal and her unique experience during a national tragedy. We'll go over how Natalie went from chopping down trees to changing the game for Doctors everywhere. Finally Natalie will give us the Rundown on her current role as a Program Manager, Learning & Development Design. 


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