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On this special Episode of the Working Perspectives Podcast Old Uncle Matty and J-Dub are joined by a true treasure of a man. Nick Lightining has been in the music business for the last 28 years. He has performed in front of thousands and entertained twice that many 100 times over. He's an avid wrestling fan and family man. We start off the show by getting into the good stuff and asking Nick his thoughts on the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody". Nick regales the guys with his stories of attending 2 queen concerts and leaves old Uncle Matty speechless and humbled. The gang then goes down the winding road that is The Life of Lightining. Nick shares stories about growing up in Roxboro and his time in school and on the road. He shares stories about when and where he was discovered and the roller coaster of a life he has had while riding the lightning. He tells us a touching story of a tribute he did for his mother and reminds us that he has a movie debuting on 10-17-2021. The story of the life of Nick "Lightining" Fergus is a great one and you will not be surprised in the least that Nick had a movie made based on his life. Nick is one the Working Perspectives Podcast all time favorite guest and we are blessed and proud to know him and are very fortunate to have the opportunity to interview such a great guy!!!!!!!!!!!

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