Flavor Flav: From Rapper to Women's Water Polo Champion? | WPP News
Yo! Believe it or not, hip-hop legend Flavor Flav is making waves (pun intended) by supporting a group of incredible women.  This WPP News exclusive dives into the unlikely partnership between Flav and the U.S. Women's Water Polo Team.  See how the rapper is using his platform to empower these athletes and help them secure their fourth consecutive gold medal at the 2024 Paris Olympics!  Plus, we'll explore the challenges female athletes face and how Flav's involvement is sparking a conversation about equality in sports.  This is a story you won't want to miss!

#FlavorFlav #WaterPolo #Olympics #WomenInSports #WPPNews

Alec Baldwin: Facing the Gavel | WPP News
Actor Alec Baldwin is back in the headlines, but this time it's not for a new movie role.  WPP News dives deep into the ongoing legal battle surrounding the fatal shooting on the set of the film "Rust."  Baldwin is facing involuntary manslaughter charges for the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.  This video explores the details of the case, the upcoming trial, and the complexities of gun safety protocols on film sets.  We'll also hear from legal experts and industry insiders on the potential impact of this case.

#AlecBaldwin #RustMovie #InvoluntaryManslaughter #GunSafety #WPPNews

PG13 to Philly! Paul George Heads East to Join the Sixers | WPP News
Bombshell trade alert!  WPP News brings you the full breakdown on NBA All-Star Paul George's move to the Philadelphia 76ers!   We analyze the details of the deal, what it means for both the Clippers and the Sixers, and how George's arrival impacts the Eastern Conference playoff picture.  Will he be the missing piece to propel Philly to a championship?

#NBATrade #PaulGeorge #Philadelphia76ers #LosAngelesClippers #EasternConference #WPPNews


0:00 WPP News kicks off. 

0:42 Flava Flav trying to save water polo.

3:01 Looking at boobs makes you live longer.

4:46 Paul George goes to the 76ers. 

5:54 Florida Man VS Jersey man. 

8:39 synopsis of the hike.

11:07 Born on the 4th of July.