1:26 Man who shot Ronald Regan is performing concert.

2:53 Nebraska Women Pump 28k in stolen gas.

4:33  St. Patty's poem.

5:34 Woman props dead man up and ATM to Withdraw Cash.

7:20 9 people dead after eating sea turtle meat.

8:44 Royal Family trouble, Dragon ball Z creator is dead, Philly got a Barkley again.


Hello and Welcome the Working Perspectives Podcast Presents WPP News, I'm Matt Lavelle acompanied Liam Reese, Mikey Medigon and Justin richardson. On this show we will be bringing the you the internets juciest news stories and reporting on everything from a Nebraska Women pulling petrol, to Deadly Sea Turtle Meat and how an entire city is rejoicing to have a Barkley again and a man who took a million to 1 shot.


Working Perspectives Podcast! WPP News!


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Hosted by: 
Matt Lavelle, Steve Cabot, Liam Reese and Justin Richardson.

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