We talk with Amanda Yee for this urgent mini-cast on the deliberate and terrifying persecution of leftist organizers and activists by the state, including members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) in Denver.  


Additional links/info below...

Amanda's Twitter page PSL website, Twitter page, and Facebook page  PSL Legal Fund: Donate to the legal and political support campaign for arrested Denver organizers  PSL Petition: Drop All the Charges on Anti-Racist Organizers in the Denver Area!  PSL Solidarity Statement: Sign-On Statement: Drop the Charges on Denver Anti-Racist Organizers  Elise Schmelzer, The Denver Post, "Protesters, Demonstration Leaders Arrested in Connection to Rallies in Aurora" Maximillian Alvarez, The Baffler, "The Whimper of Democracy" Maximillian Alvarez, The Baffler, "A Show Trial That No One Watched"


Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive: freemusicarchive.org)

Lobo Loco, "Malte Junior - Hall"

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