***This is a Patreon Exclusive episode***

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Gen Z has inherited a world on fire, but they will not accept it, and they are using every tool they have at their disposal to change it. The activists and content creators at Gen Z for Change, for instance, are creatively using their organizing skills, coding skills, and social media skills to push for climate action and to defend reproductive rights, workers' rights, and more. We talk to Elise Joshi and Sean Wiggs from Gen Z for Change about their recent campaigns to support workers organizing at Amazon, Ralphs, and Starbucks, and about the importance of building intergenerational solidarity. 

Additional links/info below...

Gen Z for Change website, Facebook page, Twitter page, and TikTok  Elise's TikTok and Twitter page Sean's TikTok and Twitter page People over Prime  Change is Brewing  Wreck It Ralphs  Taylor Lorenz & Caroline O'Donovan, The Washington Post, "Gen Z TikTok Creators Are Turning Against Amazon" Lauren Kaori Gurley, Motherboard, "People Are Using Job Listings to Sabotage Companies That Mistreat Their Workers"

Permanent links below...

Working People Patreon page Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show! Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page

Featured Music (all songs sourced from the Free Music Archive: freemusicarchive.org)

Jules Taylor, "Working People Theme Song

Twitter Mentions