For our 250th episode, we managed to get our greedy hands on no one less than
Bruce Lawson from Opera. Having barely returned from a trip to Asia and still
dizzy from his jetlag, we managed to extract…

For our 250th episode, we managed to get our greedy hands on no one less than Bruce Lawson from Opera. Having barely returned from a trip to Asia and still dizzy from his jetlag, we managed to extract a whole bunch of classified information on CSS Houdini out of him (also thanks to our German interview style). And a little bit more as well:

Show Notes

[00:02:01] Safari 9.1
We talked about the new Safari version, what features it brings, and how it looks like it’s the first installment of a new rapid release cycle.
[00:12:13] The CSS Houdini Project
Bruce told us what the purpose of CSS Houdini is, how at came to be, which parts it consists of, and when to expect first experiments shipping to us in a browser (maybe this year already!).
[00:37:50] Subgrids Considered Essential
Prompted by a blog post from Eric Meyer we discussed the current CSS Grids spec and how it is badly lacking a subgrids feature.

[00:51:18] Links

The web accessibility basics
Accessibility can never be overly discussed. Marco wrote a good roundup on how do accessibility basics right, and he also takes a glimpse at a few more advanced things.
Simple standalone toggletip widget pattern
Likewise, Steve Faulkner from the Partiello Group showcases a prototype for an accessible info tooltip widget.

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