In this episode of the Working Christian Mom Podcast, I sit down with my friend Carrie Sharpe. Carrie is a mama to five children, including one child they almost lost right after childbirth and a set of twins. We talk about how God met her in crisis, why communicating with our spouses is so important and what it is like to run a business and home school. Connect with Carrie: Connect with Carrie: Website /  Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest / YouTube

In this episode you’ll hear:

How God showed up in the middle of a major crisis with one of Carrie’s sons What happened when Carrie fully surrendered the life of her child to God How Carrie and her  husband were able to  keep the lines of communication open between them, even through their world seemed to be falling apart. What it is like to go through conceiving another child after you almost lost one. How Carrie is able to run her home, run her business, homeschool her children and keep up with everyone’s extracurricular activities. How Carrie feels about her kids becoming big kids and learning how to drive, getting ready to leave for college, etc. Carrie’s self care tips.

For the full show notes to this episode, click here to be taken to the Working Christian Mom website.

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