Buyer and  Shop Manager for RudeGirlsSnow&Skate & RudeBoysSnow&Skate Banff.

Abby Furrer rides everyday - so she KNOWS - knows what heads really want on the hill and street. She does this, and builds an inclusive community that thrives on learning.

During the pandemic, Rude Girls created the Virtual Ride Day and gave us all something to get super stoked about.  With the help of some amazing heads across the continent - we were all united into the RUDEGIRLS family.

Abby talks:
a one way ticket to Hawaii & a ride share to Banff,
shops being "too cool" - you should never be too scared to ask a question.
her go-to pocket snacks,
what the Banff kids are rocking,
the snowboarding community and learning everyday,
a porcupine dog party,
became buyer/manager & learning how to budget for a shop,
calling out brands for using fit models that aren’t athletes,
Virtual Ride Day - how it came to be and all that went into the online event,
Giving people a reason to try something new!

Shout out to Rude Girls team riders that make the Ride Days possible, as well as all the brands that back each event. A big shout out to Ellie Bergeron, Ally Watson, Kelsey Boyer, Melissa Riitano for all the help organizing the Virtual Ride Day, every rider that jumped at the opportunity to help out, and of course all the brands that made it what it was. Shout out to the SRD & BLP Crews.

Stay tuned for Rudegirls only website and Virtual Skate Day.

Who's got the purple Salmon Arms Mitts?!!!

Recorded 4.20.21