David O’Coimin, CEO of The DO Company joins Bold Founder, Caleb Parker, to discuss the ingredients of neuro-inclusive spaces, and his workspace invention called Nook.

As Space moves from product to service, it’s crucial that we understand our customers and we put them at the center of the universe. Employees have never been more empowered to tell their companies what they want from their workplace like they are today. When we have the choice, we’re only going to work in an office if that’s where we do our best work. 

So it's important to create spaces that give people superpowers, and companies agility.

In this episode David explains the difference between hyper-sensitive and hypo-sensitive people, and why this matters to creating a desired user experience.

We learn about the most important work setting, and how the DO Company makes furniture for offices without having an office themselves.

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Connect with Caleb on LinkedIn:

If you have any questions or feedback on this episode, email [email protected]

Value Bombs

Employees have never been more empowered to tell their companies what they want from their workplace When we have a choice we’re only going to work in an office if that’s where we do our best work. The key to productivity is creating office environments that are connected and flexible so people can tap in and personalise their workspace for the exact work they’re doing in that moment. The formula of an inclusive space is the personalisation of office products to individual needs through the integration of digital services into physical products Light has a profound effect on our brain's ability to process information, so giving users the ability to control their own lighting impacts productivity The ingredients of a neuro-inclusive space include a variety of work settings The most important work setting is quiet space


Toby Mildon: https://www.mildon.co.uk/  Neurodiversity at Work by Theo Smith (and Amanda Kirby):  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neurodiversity-Work-Performance-Productivity-Neurodiverse/dp/1398600245  Kay Sargent, Director of WorkPlace, HOK
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kay-sargent-53b2431 The Good Ancestor: https://www.romankrznaric.com/good-ancestor  The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century by George Friedman: https://www.amazon.com/Next-100-Years-Forecast-Century/dp/0767923057  Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain:  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Quiet-Power-Introverts-World-Talking/dp/0141029196 


About David O’Coimin

David is Founder and CEO of The Do Company.

He cares about how work, learning and event spaces can help us be better for each other, bring our whole selves to bear and build back better from this anxious challenging situation.

He focuses on inclusivity, improving work/life balance, knowledge sharing, powerful partnerships and being a good ancestor to the future.

He believes that design for the extreme benefits the mean. 

Founded in the UK in August 2016, The Do Company exists to deliver smart solutions to the challenges posed by rapidly changing living and working environs.

They do this by creating innovative new products & services – delivering bold solutions which take advantage of fresh mentalities in lifestyle and work-life balance.
The company's first invention is called Nook.
Learn more at www.nookpod.com

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