his week I sat down with business strategist, Katie Hunt.

Katie Hunt is the founder of Tradeshow Bootcamp, host of the Proof to Product Podcast, a business strategist, and a mentor to creative entrepreneurs. She is a firm believer in professional development, surrounding yourself with community and pushing go even when you might not feel 100% ready.

Katie earned a dual MBA in marketing and finance from Loyola Marymount University and has spent the last 16 years coaching large corporations and entrepreneurs on marketing and business development strategies. Her strengths lie in connecting people and bringing ideas to life brainstorming, making a plan and executing. Katie has a passion for creating, a mind for business and a strong desire to help others succeed.


What it means to be a leader in your work environment, in your family environment and in your community. Why, at times, it’s important to relinquish control to those who work for you. How to identify when it’s time to delegate items and where to start. Why acting as a task master doesn’t equate to good leadership. How a trial period can ease the onboarding of team members. The importance of a trial period when starting a new job for both parties. The role open communication plays across all of your relationships and how to implement it. The importance of the sharing the “Why” behind tasks, requests and items delegated. Understanding when to have very defined roles for your team and when to be flexible. How to keep your team together for the long term.


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