Kaelynd and Cam focus on updates around freelancing and work, documenting & sharing journey and learnings with others, and strategies for maintaining daily habits.
Kaelynd & Cam discuss the recent Toronto notion meetup & revamping their setups
Kaelynd discusses closing out her current role and the upcoming move
Kaelynd discusses current focus on closing out freelance client projects before starting her new job
Kaelynd touches on being mindful about keeping fitness and Spanish top of mind when starting new job
Cam provides updates on a new role he’s just started
Cam & Kaelynd discuss who might be helpful in reviewing and revising new contracts when the come up
Cam & Kaelynd discuss the importance of documenting his new journey into freelancing
Cam discusses effective methods for creating sharable content and resources for people who ask for help / guidance from him in a reusable format
Cam & Kaelynd discuss maintaining daily habits and their strategies around this
Cam & Kaelynd discuss potential ideas for notion projects as a stair step approach toward taking on side projects or building a business
Cam announces he's decided to go to microconf!
Bison Bison (band) (https://bisonbisonmusic.com/)
Notion app (note-taking etc) (https://www.notion.so/)
Micro Conf (https://microconf.com/)

Kaelynd and Cam focus on updates around freelancing and work, documenting & sharing journey and learnings with others, and strategies for maintaining daily habits.

Kaelynd & Cam discuss the recent Toronto notion meetup & revamping their setups
Kaelynd discusses closing out her current role and the upcoming move
Kaelynd discusses current focus on closing out freelance client projects before starting her new job
Kaelynd touches on being mindful about keeping fitness and Spanish top of mind when starting new job
Cam provides updates on a new role he’s just started
Cam & Kaelynd discuss who might be helpful in reviewing and revising new contracts when the come up
Cam & Kaelynd discuss the importance of documenting his new journey into freelancing
Cam discusses effective methods for creating sharable content and resources for people who ask for help / guidance from him in a reusable format
Cam & Kaelynd discuss maintaining daily habits and their strategies around this
Cam & Kaelynd discuss potential ideas for notion projects as a stair step approach toward taking on side projects or building a business
Cam announces he's decided to go to microconf!

Bison Bison (band)

Notion app (note-taking etc)

Micro Conf