Podcast Highlights: Carl's very personal story of loosing his home and facing financial ruin Learn how small financial misalignments with couples can become roots for divorce later Hear how Carl and I met over a financial transaction on the border of Colorado and Utah Learn how Carl started taking complex money ideas and translating those concepts using a sharpie marker on a napkin Carl tells the story about how the New York Times called him out of the blue to write his column Carl and I share stories about being raised by single-mothers and how that shaped our financial beliefs

Podcast Highlights: Carl's very personal story of loosing his home and facing financial ruin Learn how small financial misalignments with couples can become roots for divorce later Hear how Carl and I met over a financial transaction on the border of Colorado and Utah Learn how Carl started taking complex money ideas and translating those concepts using a sharpie marker on a napkin Carl tells the story about how the New York Times called him out of the blue to write his column Carl and I share stories about being raised by single-mothers and how that shaped our financial beliefs