Today on the Work Less Make More podcast my guest is Cat Stancik, also known as The LEAD Boss, and we’re talking about lead generation strategies. I love what Cat has to say about giving value and the importance of not just looking for potential buyers, but growing relationships with those people over the long-term.

Here are a few highlights from our conversation:

Why hearing a “no” on a sales call is a good thing.What is “bro marketing” and why to avoid it.How to nurture relationships so that potential buyers come to YOU!

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About Cat Stancik

I’m Cat Stancik, known as The LEAD Boss, I support Time Crunched CEO’s & Expert Entrepreneurs, to go from avoiding lead gen to loving it. I help them create a repeatable organic lead generation process so they can predictably hit their revenue targets, without requiring all of their time.  

About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton is a consultant, speaker & online course expert. She built her freedom lifestyle business using her Work Less Make More formula. She's taught hundreds of others how to create & market profitable programs that allow time for family, travel and that impact the world.

Her mission is to teach you how you can easily take the process you already have and make money with a course in your business to create a Freedom Lifestyle.

Whether you’re running a full coaching practice, a busy agency, are speaking or just slammed with family and life – adding digital products creates leveraged income, without more work for you.