We can brag a lot about our own products or courses, but having others to confirm and recommend it makes all the difference.

Testimonials can make a big impact in course sales which is why I created today's episode to help you understand how to make them and where to put them.

If you're like me and constantly check reviews and ratings before buying anything than keep that in mind while trying to sell your course- social proof matters!

Tune in to learn the basics of testimonials and how you can best utilize them for higher course sales.

About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton, Time Reclaimer & Course Expert has 14 years experience running a simple business working 3 days per week. She teaches strategies to design 4 -Day -Weekends for overloaded solopreneurs giving them their lives back.

Her mission is to give you the one thing you can’t buy- time all while making more money.

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