When it comes to business, there are few things more important than great marketing copy. And today I’m talking to one of the best copywriters in the business, Sage Polaris.

Not only has Sage worked with some of the biggest names in online businesses, but she has structured her business so that she takes 4 months off every year. 

Today she’s sharing her expertise in both copy and scheduling her business around her life.

Here are some highlights:

What The Simpsons have to do with copywriting.How copywriting and marketing have shifted in recent years.Why she structures her business so that she can take plenty of time off, and what she does with that downtime

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About Sage Polaris

Sage Polaris has written high converting copy for more than 400+ clients earning them millions of dollars. She helps personal brands and service providers sell more of their service or offer with the words on their website.

Her emails and sales pages are responsible for generating as much as 7 figures in a single launch. She has worked with Chalene Johnson, Chrisette Michele, Rick Mulready, and Lynne Twist. Basically, she makes money for the “internet famous” people we all look up to.

And in turn, has been an international speaker in exclusive private Masterminds. She can SHOW your audience how to go from story telling to story selling. This is what truly makes a brand legendary.

… and today she’ll tell you exactly how to do that in your own businesses. 

About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton is a consultant, speaker & online course expert. She built her freedom lifestyle business using her Work Less, Make More formula. She's taught hundreds of others how to create & market profitable programs that allow time for family, travel, and that impact the world.

Her mission is to teach you how you can easily take the process you already have and make money with a course in your business to create a Freedom Lifestyle.

Whether you’re running a full coaching practice, a busy agency, are speaking or just slammed with family and life – adding digital products creates leveraged income, without more work for you.