A big part of the 4-Day Weekend mindset is making time to do things that leave you feeling more energized and excited about your life.

Today’s guest, gratitude and meditation expert, Lori Saitz, offers profound tips about how to make the most of that time.

We talk about:

The surprising outcome of taking a  sabbatical with her 19-year-old cat Why listening to your intuition will never lead you astrayThe undeniable importance of gratitude for mental health and even physical wellbeingPlus a practical exercise to help you tap into gratitude even when you’re not feeling so positive

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About Lori Saitz

Lori Saitz is the founder and CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “Fine is a 4-Letter Word.” An award-winning writer, speaker, and broadcaster, Lori is on a mission to teach the world to be calm and grounded no matter what’s going on.

As a nationally recognized gratitude and meditation expert, she guides entrepreneurs and corporate teams from stressed and chaotic to peaceful and focused. Through a collaborative and interactive approach, she provides tools and techniques for increasing sales, enhancing relationships, and improving overall health.

When she's not working, you can find Lori in her sanctuary, aka the weight room at the gym. She also loves cupcakes, Thai food, and classic rock music.

About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton is a consultant, speaker & online course expert. She built her freedom lifestyle business using her Work Less, Make More formula. She's taught hundreds of others how to create & market profitable programs that allow time for family, travel, and that impact the world.

Her mission is to teach you how you can easily take the process you already have and make money with a course in your business to create a Freedom Lifestyle.

Whether you’re running a full coaching practice, a busy agency, are speaking or just slammed with family and life – adding digital products creates leveraged income, without more work for you.