Welcome to another episode of 4 Day Weekends. In this episode, we will be discussing pricing strategies for creating your online course. Whether you're unsure where to start or if you're struggling to decide on the right price, this podcast episode will provide you with valuable insights and ideas to help you find the sweet spot for your course.

Summary of tips:

Knowing your audience is crucial when determining the price of your course.Understand their needs and budget to find the sweet spot for pricing.People are willing to pay for speed and convenience.Course pricing is not set in stone and can be adjusted as needed.Determine your goals, reach, and desired income to find the sweet spot.Start with an initial price and make adjustments based on feedback and market demand.

Knowing your audience and staying adaptable will allow you to create a course that appeals to your learners while also achieving your financial objectives. So go ahead, price your course intelligently, and unlock the potential of your educational content!

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About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton, Time Reclaimer & Course Expert has 14 years experience running a simple business working 3 days per week. She teaches strategies to design 4 -Day -Weekends for overloaded creatives & solopreneurs, giving them their lives back.

Her purpose is to package up your expertise into a course that changes the world (and makes you more money!)

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