Have you ever looked into a window to try to see what’s going on inside? You can see a few things, but you miss so much more! 

This is the process many entrepreneurs take when they begin to create a course. They might attend a free webinar or download a checklist, which is just a quick peek at a more involved process. It's like looking at it through a window.

If they really want to see the whole picture, they’d need to get into the room and walk around!

I know because I did the same thing.

In today's episode of the Work Less, Make More podcast, I share how I realized I needed help in the early days of my business.

If you’re serious about making your course work, it’s worth investing in a program that can help you do it right.

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About Donna Ashton

Donna Ashton is a consultant, speaker & online course expert. She built her freedom lifestyle business using her Work Less Make More formula. She's taught hundreds of others how to create & market profitable programs that allow time for family, travel and that impact the world.

Her mission is to teach you how you can easily take the process you already have and make money with a course in your business to create a Freedom Lifestyle.

Whether you’re running a full coaching practice, a busy agency, are speaking or just slammed with family and life – adding digital products creates leveraged income, without more work for you.

Take the Create Your Course Quiz to see if your business is ready for an online course! > createyourcoursequiz.com