I am back with an entirely revamped podcast, not only has the name changed, but the format has changed as well. We are diving into the world of courses and programs, exploring how they can be powerful tools to monetize your business and create recurring revenue streams.

The new name, The Mystic Mic: Turn Your Words into Wealth, symbolizes the transformation we're undergoing. This isn't just about practical strategies; it's about infusing magic into our business approach.

I'm thrilled about the upcoming interviews and valuable insights that will guide you in leveraging your time effectively and maximizing your business's potential.

Get the Words to Wealth guide (7 ways to monetize what you already created)

About Donna Ashton

I'm Donna Ashton, sorceress, course expert and host of Mystic Mic: Turn Words into Wealth podcast.

I built a multiple 6-figure business entirely with courses and programs while working about 15 hours per week so I can have 4-Day weekends every week.

I wave my magic wand and reuse content (book, presentation, workbooks, etc.) of overwhelmed thought leaders, authors and speakers who want to monetize what they've already created into a program to make more income and impact.

Which course is best for your business? Take my quiz.