Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have superpowers? Snap your fingers and your laundry is done for the whole year. Blink like Jeannie and your kids are home from whatever they need to be home from? You say the word — it’s done!

What a dream! But I can do you one better — no dreaming required.  

As a child of God, it’s possible for your strength to be renewed every single day and though you may not be superwoman, you can still fly like an eagle. Keep reading . . . 


The Theme of the Month is Burnout and the  Word of the Week is renew.  You can read the devotional transcript here.


Desk to Desk Links and Resources:

The question of the week is: 

What have you been reading in God’s Word lately?

Email me at [email protected] or comment or message me on Instagram or Facebook. 

Book Recommendation: 

Then Sings My Soul, Volume 1
By Robert J. Morgan / Thomas Nelson

Article: What Does the Bible Say About the Eagle?