Strap in; we're about to embark on a journey of entrepreneurial grit and determination with Brian Winch, the man who turned cleaning litter from parking lots into a six-figure business. We uncover Brian's early days, the hurdles he had to jump, and the myth of the 'customer is always right' that he victoriously debunked. He also sheds light on his successful book, Clean Lots America's Simplest Business, and the success stories stemming from it. So, buckle up and get ready to immerse yourself in Brian’s inspiring journey and valuable insights on building a successful business.


Who is Brian Winch?


Brian Winch grew his simple home-based environmental service from a side hustle in 1981 into a six-figure business of 40+ years. He started with little money, education, and skills and shares how you can do the same in his book Cleanlots - America's Simplest Business.

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In This Episode:

[0:45] The good note: A story of business success

[2:33] The bad note: One thing that got him down for a while

[4:57] How does he keep getting good at what he does?

[6:47] How does he go about finding the right people to surround himself with?

[12:32] How does he turn followers into fans?

[19:03] On delegating tasks

[24:23] How does he go about coming up with new content?

[28:29] Guest solo: What’s exciting in his business right now?

[31:21] Where to find Brian

[32:00] Outro