Picture this: your heart beats in sync with your dreams, but there's an undercurrent of fear shadowing your every step. What do you do? Would you take the leap of faith? That's exactly what our guest, Amrit Singh, a high-performance life coach, did. He dared to quit his day job in the middle of a pandemic to pursue his true passion. Amrit's journey is a testament to the power of trusting one's heart and surrendering to the process. Despite the fear and uncertainty, he found the courage to march on, backed by the unwavering support of his family. So, tune in as we traverse the different pathways to personal and business success, guided by the wisdom of Amrit Singh.

Who is Amrit Singh?


Amrit Singh has been studying Kundalini Yoga for over 30 years, which gives him the ability to deeply understand and connect with his clients. In 1999 Amrit Singh decided to move to India to deepen his exploration of yoga and meditation. After 20 years in India, he recently moved to Valle de Bravo in Mexico. 


During all these years, his true passion has always been in helping people through 1-1 coaching, with a special focus on supporting people to create the freedom they need while doing what they love.

Connect with Amrit:

Website: https://coachingnow.info/


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In This Episode:

[0:38] What’s Amrit’s good note?

[3:51] What’s the bad note, and how did he recover from it?

[6:28] On saying no to clients

[11:43] How does he go about getting clients?

[14:50] How does he manage his cash flow?

[18:28] On investing in yourself

[21:37] How does he get good at what he does?

[26:03] What’s exciting in his business right now?

[30:31] Who would benefit the most from his programs?

[32:25] Where to find Amrit?

[33:31] Outro