Katie Saffert joins the second-timers club on Work Hard Mom Hard! Katie and Kari discuss how events and community have shaped their businesses over the last year, why being in the proximity of people’s dreams matter, and how you can better connect with your tribe.

September is about momentum on the podcast, and events can create major momentum for your business and life. Katie describes what building community and being a leader looks like and shares a special deal for listeners to attend her upcoming Build Your Brand Workshop for females only!

This episode will bring encouragement and inspiration to all types of business owners.

Katie is a brand strategist and visionary who has cultivated a community for female entrepreneurs. She has created this community to make space for female-owned brands to be seen and heard for who they are and consult them on how to show up for what they do.  

After being an entrepreneur for 12 years, prior to opening Hatched Collective, she realized there was a lack of available resources for how to build a community and how to build a business. Her goal is to inspire women to step into their power and become the leader within their own community. 


The Activate Academy is now accepting applicants!  Are you looking to gain momentum for your business or get to work on building a solid foundation? Then The Activate Academy is for you! Learn more at https://kari-keating.com/activateacademy


1:09 - What to expect in this conversation

5:19 - A few ways events help your business

9:00 - People will listen to you, IF you listen to them first

12:50 - The importance of attention and noticing when building a community

16:38 - This is where the breakthroughs happen

18:58 - It's okay and REQUIRED to be uncomfortable

23:02 - The content matters, but how you make people feel matters more

24:33 - A hack to keep momentum up in your business

26:09 - Why you MUST monetize the things you are good at

29:06 - You need to surround yourself with others walking your path

32:15 - How Build Your Brand Conference is different


Check out her website - https://www.hatchedcollective.co/

Follow her on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hatchedcollective/

Join the Build Your Brand Conference - https://www.hatchedcollective.co/build-your-brand-conference


I’m Kari Keating, mom of 3 young boys, that ditched a 17-year, 6 figure corporate career to go after her dreams. I’ve been coaching professionally for over 2 years and have had a wide variety of clients from recording artists, website developers, photographers, professional network marketers and other life coaches.

My zone of genius lies in helping soul-based entrepreneurs get out of their heads and into inspired action, so they can make the impact they crave and the income they deserve.

Find me at my website - https://www.kari-keating.com/

Connect on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/karikeating/


Interview - Katie Saffert

Podcast edited and mixed by 51 features. Connect with Andrew at andrew {at} 51features {dot} com.