Someone once told me that we are most like God when we are creating. He is after all the creator of everything, and we are after all made in his image. Today's episode has me feeling, I don't know, a bit weepy, inspired, ultimately, grateful. Fair warning: might cry by the end of this. I don't know, we'll see. But this content today was inspired by a children's book that left me in tears and the simple truth that I've been kind of mulling over that we were created to create.

For the full show notes, head to


Resources from this episode:

The Work & Play Weekly Checklist

The Work & Play Patreon

Called to Create, by Jordan Raynor

Steal Like an Artist, by Austin Kleon

Redeeming Your Time, by Jordan Raynor

The Creator in You, by Jordan Raynor

Art For Kids Hub


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