Today's book is Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons. And it's one of those books I just kept hearing about. It kept popping up on my social media feed or in a podcast or I saw a friend reading it. And after looking into what it was all about, I knew I wanted to get my hands on it.

In it, Rebecca outlines four rhythms for a life of peace and purpose. I couldn't help but think back to my episode just a couple episodes ago on self-care, because I feel like this book is a deeper dive and how we can live out these rhythms and have a healthy, mature life as a believer. All in all, I love the book. I feel like Rebecca is somewhat of a soul sister and I can't wait for you to hear my top takeaways.

For the full show notes, head to


Resources from this episode:

Free Guide: Clear My Photos!

Nancy Ray Book Club

Rhythms of Renewal, by Rebekah Lyons

Deuter Kid Comfort Backpack

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