Today, I am going to share some practical mama hacks, particularly for mamas who have kids under five.

I was originally just going to do 5 or 10, and then I put it to Instagram, and man, y'all came through. You taught me so much more than I ever could have taught you on my own. So, five or 10 mama hacks for kids under five turned into 40 hacks that I'm going to share today, and I didn't even include all of them.

So get ready, because even if you just take two or three of these and apply them to your home, or they're new to you for the first time, you want to just incorporate them into your life and your routine, I really think your life and your momming is just going to get a little bit easier.

To read the full show notes, click here.


Resources from this episode:

Work & Play Cornerstore

Milk Dispenser

Disposable Chux Pads

Episode 056 - Meal Planning Made Fun with Kate from Naptime Kitchen

Emily Thomas’ blog post on quiet time

Programmable “Wake-up” Clock

Positive Parenting Solutions Course

A Simplified Life, by Emily Ley

Episode about taking a Sabbath

Waterproof Mattress Pad

Washable finger paint

Glow sticks

Episode about my Morning Routine

My coffee maker


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