Rituals. Routine. Preferences. Dogma. Titles. Liturgy. Denominations. Favorites. Budgets. Programs. They are firmly entrenched within the our Churches. But we must view these as 'icing' - the secondary accompaniment to the main (and only) subject which is the reason icing was created: the cake. The former? Icing. JESUS THE CHRIST? The cake. Salvation (through HIM alone) must never be minimized (or forgotten) for the many flavors of 'icing' sadly being offered (and/or dogmatically enforced) @ times within The Church. Cake can be consumed without icing but a steady diet of icing without a cake? Not wise and surely detrimental to our well being.

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In lieu of eternity, sermons and musical artists are featured to extol JESUS CHRIST as the sole hope for the eternal souls of humanity.