Reality check: GOD does not care (one iota) about how 'good' of a person we think we may be. Qualifying ourselves as good before THE HOLY GOD of all creation guarantees a reservation for eternal damnation. Romans 3:10 - As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one... The most important decision our MAKER requires all to make prior to eternity? Acknowledge (with simple humility) that which manifests itself within our hearts, admitting that we (humanity) have been 'infected' with sin and remain unable to cure ourselves. Sin after sin. Day after day. Mistake after mistake. GOD demands that our sinfulness be dealt with (satisfactorily) prior to meeting HIM face to face for an eternal reckoning/meeting that none will miss, be late for or reschedule.

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In lieu of eternity, sermons and musical artists are featured to extol JESUS CHRIST as the sole hope for the eternal souls of humanity.