Andres Pira is an extraordinary human being who went from Homeless to Billionaire in 15 Years!!


Andres, at 20 years old, travelled to Thailand with the last $2000 he received from his uncle’s inheritance. Broke and homeless, Andres’ only form of shelter was a coconut tree on the beach where he would spend many of his nights. After his desperation kicked in, Andres wrote to a friend asking for some money to help him out of his situation. Instead he was handed one very famous book (within the personal growth circles): The Secret. Andres read the book and dismissed it as complete nonsense. He tried it anyway because he has nothing to lose as well as he wanted to prove to his friend that the book was nonsense. Andres was surprised by himself by getting positive results instead. Since that date, Andres learned to bend his reality with visualizations, intentions and feelings. He started building his empire little by little until he became a Billionaire 15 years later. He has accomplished some of the most incredible things in real state and property development in South-East Asia.

You can get much more details about his unique and transformational life in his upcoming book (written together with Dr. Joe Vitale):


Homeless to Billionaire

In Homeless to Billionaire, Andres Pira presents 18 principles for attracting wealth, creating opportunity, and celebrating self-discovery. Inspired by his own massive life changes, Pira details his business journey from telemarketer to one of Thailand’s best-known billionaires. Using his mentors like Bryan Tracy, Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor, Pira puts proven knowledge into action, innovating along the way, using his own employees and...

Andres Pira is an extraordinary human being who went from Homeless to Billionaire in 15 Years!!


Andres, at 20 years old, travelled to Thailand with the last $2000 he received from his uncle’s inheritance. Broke and homeless, Andres’ only form of shelter was a coconut tree on the beach where he would spend many of his nights. After his desperation kicked in, Andres wrote to a friend asking for some money to help him out of his situation. Instead he was handed one very famous book (within the personal growth circles): The Secret. Andres read the book and dismissed it as complete nonsense. He tried it anyway because he has nothing to lose as well as he wanted to prove to his friend that the book was nonsense. Andres was surprised by himself by getting positive results instead. Since that date, Andres learned to bend his reality with visualizations, intentions and feelings. He started building his empire little by little until he became a Billionaire 15 years later. He has accomplished some of the most incredible things in real state and property development in South-East Asia.

You can get much more details about his unique and transformational life in his upcoming book (written together with Dr. Joe Vitale):


Homeless to Billionaire

In Homeless to Billionaire, Andres Pira presents 18 principles for attracting wealth, creating opportunity, and celebrating self-discovery. Inspired by his own massive life changes, Pira details his business journey from telemarketer to one of Thailand’s best-known billionaires. Using his mentors like Bryan Tracy, Jack Canfield and Bob Proctor, Pira puts proven knowledge into action, innovating along the way, using his own employees and clients. Through failure and success, the 18 Principles are forged. Uncanny wisdom, from this millennial adventurer turned businessman, is blended with proven research and case studies into powerful lessons.

“Do whatever it is you want to do in life. Be whomever you want to be. Go wherever you want to go. Have whatever it is you want to have right now,” urges Pira. 

Today on Words 2 Success (W2S), Andres Pira will blow your mind with his fascinating story as well as he answers powerful questions such as: 


What is the difference of your feelings now and before when you were broke?


What is your advice for people who are doing well financially, but get into the trap where is all about the material world too scare of losing everything?


What is your piece of advice to be the Master of your Mind?


Writing 101 GOALS...


How often do you take time to self-reflect and say I am going to have a conversation with Andres Pira?


Do you feel the subconscious mind is always working for you?


What would you say is a habit through energy that you do that nobody knows about?


How far in the future do you visualize yourself?


What is currently your biggest challenge?


How do you manage your time with so many companies?


How do you decide the people you want to work with?


What is the day to day like to manage your different managers/ventures and lead them in the right direction?


Are you someone who likes art?


Do you consider yourself a creative individual like an artistic person?


If you can leave behind a piece of art that you can leave as your legacy, what would that piece of art be?


What was the most interesting process of writing a book for you?


How will your book change the life of the W2S audience?


Be sure to tune in to Andres Piro’s episode, and listening to his great value. As well as head over to the additional information about him:


Andres Pira's Website

From HOMELESS to BILLIONAIRE! Master a Billionaire Mindset | ANDRES PIRA | Manifestation Series

Blue Horizon Developments


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