Stephen Voyce is an upcoming force in the music scene. His style blends elements of Pop, Hip-Hop, and R&B to create his infectious sound. Voyce lives for his passion of creating music. With a large, rapidly growing fan base, multiple awards and nominations, and music that is topping charts, there is no doubt that Voyce will continue to grow in popularity. His most recent release that fans are raving about is his catchy tune, “Summer Lust.”

There are five things you need to know about Stephen: He’s a vegetarian, unnaturally terrified of spiders, obsessed with Batman, Michael Jackson is his idol, but most importantly, he believes that everyone deserves to live out their dreams. In many ways, that almost naive ideology is the cornerstone of his charm. It is what makes him so… hopeful.

But this wasn’t always the case for this Canadian/Nigerian singer, songwriter, producer and recently actor/filmmaker. When his career was in its infancy, his music served as a coping mechanism, a means for him to overcome loss, the loss of the most important woman in his life, his mum. She had instilled, in him, a sense of unending curiosity and in her passing, he saw that flame extinguish.

As his journey progressed, he saw how his music touched hearts, and that rekindled that spark, one that ignited in him the decision to no longer let circumstance define his life, to choose to be the author of his own story. In his words:

“Whatever you project into the universe, the universe projects back at you. So you might as well be a guiding light and watch the universe come back and guide you.”


Our favourite conversations & takeaways from the W2S episode with Stephen Voyce:


[2:56] - I think every kid of our generation was probably born from Michael Jackson...


[3:09] - Honestly music really became something that was so important in my life...To release the feeling and emotions... More than just a talent for me, it's a way of life in a way,  really showing other people that anything that you go you can survive.


[3:44] - I always knew music was part of me because I was born with a voice... Honestly didn't think music as a career until after my mum passed... Something I had to do... To safe myself... Something that I want to share with the world...


[6:59] - Never sing anything based on emotions...


[7:56] - Allow you to make the decision as whether not even need a record deal in today's world...There are a lot of options in the social media...


[8:32] - How do you learn about marketing, business?...  And what do you thing you got a do to get you to the next level?... It is the day that Instagram release the...

Stephen Voyce is an upcoming force in the music scene. His style blends elements of Pop, Hip-Hop, and R&B to create his infectious sound. Voyce lives for his passion of creating music. With a large, rapidly growing fan base, multiple awards and nominations, and music that is topping charts, there is no doubt that Voyce will continue to grow in popularity. His most recent release that fans are raving about is his catchy tune, “Summer Lust.”

There are five things you need to know about Stephen: He’s a vegetarian, unnaturally terrified of spiders, obsessed with Batman, Michael Jackson is his idol, but most importantly, he believes that everyone deserves to live out their dreams. In many ways, that almost naive ideology is the cornerstone of his charm. It is what makes him so… hopeful.

But this wasn’t always the case for this Canadian/Nigerian singer, songwriter, producer and recently actor/filmmaker. When his career was in its infancy, his music served as a coping mechanism, a means for him to overcome loss, the loss of the most important woman in his life, his mum. She had instilled, in him, a sense of unending curiosity and in her passing, he saw that flame extinguish.

As his journey progressed, he saw how his music touched hearts, and that rekindled that spark, one that ignited in him the decision to no longer let circumstance define his life, to choose to be the author of his own story. In his words:

“Whatever you project into the universe, the universe projects back at you. So you might as well be a guiding light and watch the universe come back and guide you.”


Our favourite conversations & takeaways from the W2S episode with Stephen Voyce:


[2:56] - I think every kid of our generation was probably born from Michael Jackson...


[3:09] - Honestly music really became something that was so important in my life...To release the feeling and emotions... More than just a talent for me, it's a way of life in a way,  really showing other people that anything that you go you can survive.


[3:44] - I always knew music was part of me because I was born with a voice... Honestly didn't think music as a career until after my mum passed... Something I had to do... To safe myself... Something that I want to share with the world...


[6:59] - Never sing anything based on emotions...


[7:56] - Allow you to make the decision as whether not even need a record deal in today's world...There are a lot of options in the social media...


[8:32] - How do you learn about marketing, business?...  And what do you thing you got a do to get you to the next level?... It is the day that Instagram release the video feature...


[10:33] - What is that drive that you have... that need to have that connection with your fan is so important to you?... When I was down... I only survived it because I put myself out there... And people reached out to me... They made me feel like I could be stronger... Now I want to look back and elevate everyone else... I want you to live up to your own potential...


[11:59] - Someone in general that is driving to do what they want to be doing , they have many people they don't believe in it... Do you have any story that may they can connect to?..


[12:49] - Life will throw hurdles at you... see the lessons in it and learn from those lessons and try to pass something positive...


[13:22] - Everything you do, everything you say affects the World and everyone in it...


[13:29] - I am curious, do you have any habit or stuff you do daily?...Help you stayed grounded, stayed mindful.. Focus... Always hungry... Any specific things that you do like in the morning, at night or just part of your routine?... Feed my mind, body and whatever you call your soul... Keep your mind active... Always learn something new... Your body... Workout... Eat well... Connect with your emotions... Your soul loves connecting with your emotions... I LOVE YOU...


[15:02] - I have a lot of bad days, but I don't let them consume me...


[16:26] - It's the Universe around me that kind of pull me back in because I constantly throwing my will... Be honest, be real, share yourself with the world and when you fall down the world will catch you!


[17:11] - How do you stay consistent on that (Instagram) all the time?...


[19:25] - How do you keep yourself like... In the present? I always kind of apprehensive on what's happening... Reach out to the community... Don't be afraid... All you have to do in life is just to reach out and take a change...


[21:00] - What is the meaning of Success to you?...


[24:53] - What would be your last "Words 2 Success"?...


[25:47] - I have a microphone right now and I am just giving it to you to talk to the "Words 2 Success" audience... What do you have to say them?... Take a step back, look at the good and focus on that... The Universe may start throwing that at you.




1. The little prince (Le Petit Prince). Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery 

2. The Alchemist. Author: Paulo Coelho





Stephen Voyce

"Summer Lust"

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