Akhil Chandra is a Mobile Application (App) Expert & Entrepreneur, and the Founder & CEO of Studio Mosaic company. Through his company, is credited with promoting & growing 400+ apps for over 200 clients across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Many of these apps have clocked over a million downloads, been ranked no. 1 for their chosen keywords and even been featured by Apple.


Today on Words 2 Success (W2S), Akhil Chandra provides us with his CEO entrepreneur lessons as well as he answers other interesting questions such as: 


Can you go back in time when you started your company and bring back those hard moments and how did you react?… Back of those day, there was a lot of stress…


How important was the sense of urgency to deliver in your company in tough times?… Have a backup plan, safety net… Be flexible… Roll up your sleeves…


What is the biggest thing you have learned growing the team for your company?… Co-worker spaces… Hiring one person at the time… then hiring in a bunch … Skills can always be taught, but it is the attitude and the company culture…


What will be the most important thing that you look for in attitude in an individual?… Ownership… Proactiveness…


What is your biggest quality as CEO?… Empower the team…


What would you say are your practical daily actions to move forward with your company?… Business development… Keep up on the technology space…


What would you say is the most efficient way to communicate with your team?… Skype… Mini-group….


What are the steps from developing an idea to sell it?… Idea is very important... Two types: Business of apps & apps of the business… ASO… Apps presence… Very important to test your idea... idea > wireframes > ...


Where have you seen the most conversion from all the different apps you have done? What are your thoughts on that?… It varies from category to category… Conversion rate are higher on Productivity apps and Utility Apps… Relevance… Screenshots... Having the right onboarding experience is... Push notification...



Akhil Chandra is a Mobile Application (App) Expert & Entrepreneur, and the Founder & CEO of Studio Mosaic company. Through his company, is credited with promoting & growing 400+ apps for over 200 clients across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Many of these apps have clocked over a million downloads, been ranked no. 1 for their chosen keywords and even been featured by Apple.


Today on Words 2 Success (W2S), Akhil Chandra provides us with his CEO entrepreneur lessons as well as he answers other interesting questions such as: 


Can you go back in time when you started your company and bring back those hard moments and how did you react?… Back of those day, there was a lot of stress…


How important was the sense of urgency to deliver in your company in tough times?… Have a backup plan, safety net… Be flexible… Roll up your sleeves…


What is the biggest thing you have learned growing the team for your company?… Co-worker spaces… Hiring one person at the time… then hiring in a bunch … Skills can always be taught, but it is the attitude and the company culture…


What will be the most important thing that you look for in attitude in an individual?… Ownership… Proactiveness…


What is your biggest quality as CEO?… Empower the team…


What would you say are your practical daily actions to move forward with your company?… Business development… Keep up on the technology space…


What would you say is the most efficient way to communicate with your team?… Skype… Mini-group….


What are the steps from developing an idea to sell it?… Idea is very important... Two types: Business of apps & apps of the business… ASO… Apps presence… Very important to test your idea... idea > wireframes > ...


Where have you seen the most conversion from all the different apps you have done? What are your thoughts on that?… It varies from category to category… Conversion rate are higher on Productivity apps and Utility Apps… Relevance… Screenshots... Having the right onboarding experience is... Push notification...


What is the best way to learn about the User Interface (UI) User Experience (UX)? What will be the best piece of advice?... UI UX is different for IOS and Android... Follow design guidelines...


Let's say the mobile app is ready, what will be the best way to move forward from the marketing stand point?... ASO...


What are the main things you see from the winners in this business that they have in common?... Extensive testing through all the life cycle...


How important is to have a strong team?... Without that team nothing we can do...


What are the critical roles in the team once the mobile app is launched? ... Product Manager, ASO person, User Acquisition person...


What is success for Akhil Chandra?


What are your "Words 2 Success"?


Be sure to tune in to Akhil Chandra’s episode, and listening to his substantial value. As well as head over to the additional information about him:


Coaching and Mentoring with Akhil


Social Media:

Akhil Chandra - LinkedIn

Studio Mosaic - LinkedIn

Studio Mosaic - Facebook