Mitch Durfee is a Serial Entrepreneur, a Real Estate Investor. Someone who has an incredible outlook on life and in business. He is a passionate writer who has written valuable books such as his latest #1 Best Seller: Serve2Win


Today on Words 2 Success (W2S), Mitch Durfee unveils advices and tips that experts rarely give to implement networking, power of connection and mastermind as well as he answers other interesting questions: 


"Who is one person that you know that I should know?"
If you can believe it you can achieve it!
My immediate network can connect you with people you need
Take a very deep look at the people your are surrounded yourself
Do you have a mastermind network of people on the same industry you are?
How was the process of your first real state transaction?... Sitting in the back of a military vehicle... Just took action on it...
After you had the first property what were the steps you took to start getting more? Is that the main thing you were doing for the first couple of years?... Working in Afghanistan... Why working 80 hours per week here?... Passionate in real estate...
What was the main different the business that took off compared with the ones didn't?... I had a vision...
If you want to start a business, what are your steps? How do you break it down? How do you do your vision? How do you create your goals to get there?... Solving a problem for other people... Create a massive vision... My goal: Own a Skyscraper... Who can help you to achieve this goal... Create an organization chart... Some business owners may feel they are running in circles...
What is the process to create a successful team? A power team? How do you keep people inspired & motivated to...

Mitch Durfee is a Serial Entrepreneur, a Real Estate Investor. Someone who has an incredible outlook on life and in business. He is a passionate writer who has written valuable books such as his latest #1 Best Seller: Serve2Win


Today on Words 2 Success (W2S), Mitch Durfee unveils advices and tips that experts rarely give to implement networking, power of connection and mastermind as well as he answers other interesting questions: 


"Who is one person that you know that I should know?"
If you can believe it you can achieve it!
My immediate network can connect you with people you need
Take a very deep look at the people your are surrounded yourself
Do you have a mastermind network of people on the same industry you are?
How was the process of your first real state transaction?... Sitting in the back of a military vehicle... Just took action on it...
After you had the first property what were the steps you took to start getting more? Is that the main thing you were doing for the first couple of years?... Working in Afghanistan... Why working 80 hours per week here?... Passionate in real estate...
What was the main different the business that took off compared with the ones didn't?... I had a vision...
If you want to start a business, what are your steps? How do you break it down? How do you do your vision? How do you create your goals to get there?... Solving a problem for other people... Create a massive vision... My goal: Own a Skyscraper... Who can help you to achieve this goal... Create an organization chart... Some business owners may feel they are running in circles...
What is the process to create a successful team? A power team? How do you keep people inspired & motivated to get the best results?... The five love languages book... When you identify what is the love language in your team... The Vision, Purpose and the Why...
If you decide to coach and/or mentor a 20 years old kid who is very passionate working his ass off who hasn't had the business results he wants. What will be the first things you will tell him to do for the first 3 months to be as successful as possible knowing it's a long term game?... SPEED... Be Hungry...
How do you create a system a strategy for a Mastermind?... Social Media, running Ads... Bring strategies...
What are your "Words 2 Success"?


His Top Read Books:

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill's
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield


Be sure to tune in to Mitch Durfee’s episode, and listening to his great value. As well as head over to the additional information about him:


Mitch Durfee Website

Coaching/Mentoring on Clarity

Some Courses




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