Nick Drossos is an Entrepreneur, Self-Defense Expert & Fitness Instructor, with more than 20 years of experience, who is passionate to teach people how to defend themselves.


Our favourite conversations & takeaways from the W2S episode with Nick Drossos:


[2:30] - My passion and love is to teach people how to defend themselves... What can I teach from what I learned... Self-defense & fitness instructor... How do you see the correlation with what you are doing in Martial Arts and you also as an Entrepreneur with everything you have built so far?


[3:57] - Everybody has a plan 'till they get punched in the face... Same thing in life, it is you against the world...


[5:36] - Your future is predictable based on who you are and what you do and repeat it doing doing you will create the same pattern... Doing the same thing over and over and expect different results...


[6:27] - I didn't know you can make money and you can lose it... Those are the moments that made me and that's what I needed to growth.


[7:03] - You can't win the way of life with a shitty attitude, so you can be a badass, a top guy as many time you want, but eventually life is gonna nail you down...


[8:36] - I had to ask myself the question... : What do I want to be happy? What am I missing? What kind of life do I want to create?...


[9:16] - Reach out someone you trust, somebody who is gonna help you growth... It's: You gotta take full and 100% responsibility of your life... Take these experiences, growth because those are the moments that make you stronger...


[11:55] - Being hands on on the battle field... And they are lost because what you learned in school and what you are gonna apply in real life are two different things...


[14:04] - ... And you need every penny to grow this business... Do you have that dedication?... There is not any other option on the table, but succeeding... I deserve to create a life, a happy life for myself and I am not just going to settle... But I go back to that time when I was begging to get clients... It took me 2 years... Hustling out to build where I am... Do you have that dedication to make it?...


[17:28] - You have to start with a plan, go back, what is your vision and...

Nick Drossos is an Entrepreneur, Self-Defense Expert & Fitness Instructor, with more than 20 years of experience, who is passionate to teach people how to defend themselves.


Our favourite conversations & takeaways from the W2S episode with Nick Drossos:


[2:30] - My passion and love is to teach people how to defend themselves... What can I teach from what I learned... Self-defense & fitness instructor... How do you see the correlation with what you are doing in Martial Arts and you also as an Entrepreneur with everything you have built so far?


[3:57] - Everybody has a plan 'till they get punched in the face... Same thing in life, it is you against the world...


[5:36] - Your future is predictable based on who you are and what you do and repeat it doing doing you will create the same pattern... Doing the same thing over and over and expect different results...


[6:27] - I didn't know you can make money and you can lose it... Those are the moments that made me and that's what I needed to growth.


[7:03] - You can't win the way of life with a shitty attitude, so you can be a badass, a top guy as many time you want, but eventually life is gonna nail you down...


[8:36] - I had to ask myself the question... : What do I want to be happy? What am I missing? What kind of life do I want to create?...


[9:16] - Reach out someone you trust, somebody who is gonna help you growth... It's: You gotta take full and 100% responsibility of your life... Take these experiences, growth because those are the moments that make you stronger...


[11:55] - Being hands on on the battle field... And they are lost because what you learned in school and what you are gonna apply in real life are two different things...


[14:04] - ... And you need every penny to grow this business... Do you have that dedication?... There is not any other option on the table, but succeeding... I deserve to create a life, a happy life for myself and I am not just going to settle... But I go back to that time when I was begging to get clients... It took me 2 years... Hustling out to build where I am... Do you have that dedication to make it?...


[17:28] - You have to start with a plan, go back, what is your vision and how do you build your plan around to get there. Does it make sense? Do you need to re-adjust it?... There is always a way... You have to be flexible, think outside the box, you got to listen to people who know, learn from people and find the way to make it happen...


[18:59] - There is also stuff you are gonna learn that only life can teach you as you get older... all the shit changes so much your life... F--k WoW look where I was and look where I am today... It's part of the process...


[19:18] - If you have to give me a piece of advice that I will take right now that will help me so that when in 20 years when I watch this I'll say: Thank God I took this advice. What would that advice be?...


[20:41] - "Life is a game, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you are up, sometimes you are down. It is about to being able to roll with the punches. Play the game. Don't take life so serious!"


[22:25] - To be grateful for even your shitest experiences because hopefully those are the ones that mold you if you can find the positive and benefit to it and not the negative to it... Look everything as a learning experience... that's what I see life now...


[23:03] - What is the meaning of success to you?... When I measure success, I measure of the fulfilment and happiness I what I feel inside of me when I look me in the mirror...


[26:28] - I don't read a lot... I listen more... I am more like a Soldier... I go on the streets and learn shit like failure... My greatest books... People think because you read a lot of books make you smart... Most of these... Gurus are self made...


[28:41] - At the end I tell people what works for you, there is not one way or one recipe. Everybody has their own way to make it. Find your way, take a little bit from everybody, see what works for you and make it your own... That's it that's all!!


[29:22] - What would be your "Words 2 Success"?






Nick Drossos






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