"I believe our community can make significant contributions to Gutenberg and the Block Editor." —Cory Miller

In this episode of Post Status Excerpt, Cory shares his experience among the 30+ individuals who attended the State of the Word in New York in person. David and Cory talk about how Matt presented himself, his views on the necessary ratio of community contributions to open source projects, Five for the Future, the next generation of leaders, and what it means to give back to the community and WordPress core.

Also: Cory hints at what Post Status will be doing in 2022 when it comes to giving back — along with how Post Status will encourage and assist people in contributing to the WordPress community.

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🔗 Mentioned in the show:YouTube: State Of The Word 2021GoDaddy Review And Timeline of State of the Word 2021The WP Minute (Audio + Transcript)David Bisset (Twitter)Cory Miller (Twitter)Post Status (Twitter)🙏 Sponsor: Yoast SEO

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