As the development of Crop.Express continues, Cory Miller and Corey Maass continue to gain clarity on what is needed for their product to succeed. They discuss features and integration, free vs. paid versions, ensuring compatibility, and more, as they fold in their experience, expertise, and gathered feedback into the future strategy of their product business.

Top Takeaways:

Cultivating empathy is important for developers. It's essential to understand the needs of different users, particularly those who are not very tech-savvy or who come from different cultural backgrounds. Empathy helps create products that are more user-friendly and accessible to a broader audience.Collaboration is crucial for success. No matter how brilliant a product developer is, they can't do everything on their own. They need a team of people with different skills and backgrounds to support them, whether it's in terms of design, marketing, or other areas. Building a supportive team requires humility and a willingness to accept feedback and help from others.Failure is a necessary part of growth. Many product developers go through a difficult experience where they realize that their work isn't as good as they thought it was. This experience can be humbling, but it's also an opportunity to learn and grow. It's important for developers to be open to feedback, to take risks, and to be willing to try new things, even if it means making mistakes along the way.🔗 Mentioned in the show:Sticker MuleCanvaKickstarterUnsplashStock Unlimited🐦 You can follow Post Status and our guests on Twitter:Corey MaassCory Miller (CEO, Post Status)Olivia Bisset (Intern, Post Status)

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