“A style is the design language for a theme.” —Rich Tabor

In this episode, David Bisset talks with someone who has moved the WordPress theme needle a long way: Rich Tabor. Rich believes the arrival of the Full Site Editing experience in WordPress 5.9 is the biggest innovation since themes emerged. Speaking from the experience of creating blocks and block themes, Rich explains how Full Site Editing will change WordPress's identity.

Why This Matters: WordPress professionals need to be familiar with more than just just “blocks.” There are block themes, styles, and more features that have already arrived in the WordPress editor. This episode helps put these new enhancements in context for builders, agencies, and creatives.

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🔗 Mentioned in the show:A new era of WordPress themes is finally hereAll my blocks are now available on GithubMeet Wabi, a WordPress block theme for writers and publishersBuilding a Generative Art Gallery with P5.jsRichard Tabor (Twitter)David Bisset (Twitter)Post Status (Twitter)


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Founded in 2006, WordPress VIP is the agile content platform that empowers marketers to build content both faster and smarter so they can drive more growth. We empower content and development teams with the flexibility and ubiquity of WordPress—the agile CMS that powers more than 40% of the web—while ensuring the security and reliability organizations need to operate at scale.

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