When Harry met Sally, it was a romance that defined a generation. Now that she’s passed, Harry finds his life meaningless until he meets Sharon at his retirement community and can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with this vexing woman. Little does he know that Sharon is a vampire looking for an eternal companion.

Joe Ketchum and John Stahl break down what they think a feature length version of Grampires: When Sharon Bit Harry might look like as they try out a new format for Loose Canons.

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Intro/Outro Theme: “Game On” by the Heatley Bros.

Cover Art created by Joe Ketchum

Episode edited by John Stahl and Joe Ketchum

Other shows featured on Word Salad Radio:
The Analrapists: Host and guest force each other to make weird analyses of different movies and defend their argument with evidence from the text.
Blockbuster Autopsy: Highly qualified professionals diagnose the cause of death on some of the biggest budget movies and TV corpses around.
Doc n Roll: An examination of documentary films.
Fic/off: 2 writers are given 2 fictional characters to mashup into an original short story.
Flux Capacitors: A show analyzing the time travel mechanics in various movies and TV shows.
High Five: Host and guest compile top five lists that are related but don’t overlap.
The List of Shame: One person tries to guess what a classic film they’ve never seen is about and then tries to convince the other person they were right after watching it for the first time.
Loose Canons: Where our cohosts review movies that don’t actually exist, like Jaws 19 from Back to the Future Part II.
The Mooby Awards: An annual show where co-hosts rip apart a movie they agree is overrated.
P.O. Box 963: Our hosts attempt to make contact with their lord and savior: 90’s Nickelodeon advertising icon Stick Stickly
Quote Unquote Guilty: All about guilty pleasure movies, tv shows, music, scientific principles, etc.

© 2016-2019 Joe Ketchum

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