It’s that time of year once again to slaughter Mooby the golden calf that he may give us a prosperous year of loving our guilty pleasures right good. So, the guilty pleasure this week is not the film itself, but instead the act of slitting its throat in the town square for all to see, point, and laugh at. What’s on the chopping block this year: Paul Thomas Anderson’s epic drama There Will Be Blood, telling the tale of dickhead oil man Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis) as he works for wealth and dominance in early 20th century America. Joe welcomes fellow birthday boys Andrew Kroepel and Jef Burnham back to the show to discuss their birthday plans present and future, the movie’s lingering popularity, other movies film school students bend over for, if Daniel Plainview has always been a dick, great Daniel Day-Lewis performances, pointless silent scenes, disconnected music, odd morals, twin stories with no payoff, great elements that don’t fit together, 100 year old healthcare, adaptations existing apart from their source material, slow movies that aren’t boring, Plainview impersonations, dream Day-Lewis roles, lost potential, seeing yourself reflected in reprehensible characters, stories about contracts, and obsession.

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Opening theme composed by Andrew Kroepel (
Cover Art created by Justin Gibson (

Episode edited by Joe Sanders

© 2016-2017 Joe Sanders

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