What can we learn from the creativity and communication strategies of famous author, C.S. Lewis? The creative genius of the 20th century behind the Narnia series (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy, and many other writings. How did he translate the story of Christianity to his culture in a way that they could understand? What can we learn from that today in the digital age? One of my favourite professors from Wycliffe College, Dr. John Bowen, helps us understand the genius behind his creative communication style to help us develop our own.

John Bowen: info, expertise, and contact- www.wycliffecollege.ca/users/john-bowen

Joanna: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email [email protected]

My new DAILY Podcast- short practical episodes every day on Church Media and Communications: www.thefuture.church

Thanks to our Season 02 Sponsor, Wycliffe College! Check out the interview with Joanna at www.wycliffecollege.ca/wordmadedigital