S03 E16: Joy Eggerichs Reed on Getting Books Published and Getting Paid to Speak

Joy Eggerichs Reed is the founder of Punchline Agency and works as a Speaker and Literary Agent. On this episode we demystify how to get your work seen and published by a book publisher, and how to become increase your game as a professional speaker who regularly gets gigs. If you write or speak or hire people who write or speak- this episode is for you.


Joy Eggerichs Reed: punchlinespeakers.com and instagram.com/joyeggerichs

Joanna: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email [email protected]

My other Podcast- short, practical, daily episodes on Church Media and Communications: thefuture.church

Thanks to our Sponsors:

Fluid Young Adults Gathering- March 7, 2020: https://fluidgathering.com/

Compassion Canada: For King and Country event- [email protected] or compassion.ca/volunteer. Outside of Canada? Visit compassion.com

Wycliffe College: wycliffecollege.ca/wordmadedigital