S03 E08: Nik Goodner of CRTVCHURCH on what Every Creative Needs

Nik Goodner is the founder of CRTVCHURCH, and is a champion for Christian creatives. In this conversation he talks about why and how he develops community and support for creatives to encourage and equip them, but also is quite honest about the times he wanted to quit or give up on the whole idea. He breaks down the business model CRTVCHURCH works off of, how he makes money, and what’s happening with their live events. If you’re not yet part of the CRTV community, now’s the time to join for 2020!


Nik: crtvchurch.com and instagram.com/nikgoodner

Joanna: @joannalafleur and www.joannalafleur.com. Email [email protected]

My other Podcast- short, practical, daily episodes on Church Media and Communications: thefuture.church

Thanks to our Season 03 Sponsors:

Compassion Canada: compassion.ca/gifts. Outside of Canada? Visit compassion.com
Wycliffe College: wycliffecollege.ca/wordmadedigital