Previous Episode: Dan Tilden - Ashland, OR

My Name is Greg Gallegos. I have been artistically inclined since I was very young. I was heavily into woodshop in high school. I first fell in love with the lathe there. It took me another ten years after high school to be able to purchase a lathe.

After years of properly learning the craft and practicing the skills, I felt I was ready to start selling, I started with the local craft and art markets, which lead to several large national shows.

These days, I have settled into a fairly normal routine of being spontaneously creative at times and then prodigiously productive at other times. Trying to find a happy medium…not likely to happen but…I love wood with a passion which keeps me wondering what the next piece of wood I cut into will show me. I try not to limit myself to a particular set of skills. I have turned just about everything there is to turn. I love them all. Hollow forms, natural edge bowls, whimsical pieces, and decorative carving as well. I gravitate towards working with green wood to completion. I really feel that it gives the wood its most simplistic forms and keeps the organic quality of the wood intact.

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